
Criticizing Photographs
My photography is descriptive because its purpose is to show directions to each location in Jinshan Park.

This photo by Francesca Woodman is interpretive because it makes the viewer think about the hidden side of everyone by using a mirror to look behind people's backs.

Ethically Evaluative
Sebastiao Salgado's photo is morally valuable because it illustrates that the social problem of child abandonment is as big as urban architecture by showing many babies wandering alone on the roof of a metropolitan building in the middle of a big city, hoping to provoke thought.

My photo is explanatory because it demonstrates how to make a basic mechanical model.

Aesthetically Evaluative
My photo has aesthetic value because it shows the symmetry and vastness of ancient Chinese architectural groups.

Naomi Jemison's photo is theoretical because the long exposure of the dance movement using this position is perfectly demonstrated, showing the grace and posture of the dancers as they dance.

Advise and Comments
When you are done viewed my photography, Please do not hesitate to comment on Blog site.
I also paste other classmate‘s blog, Please view on the blog site