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This is my favorite photo of this task, which shows the symmetry and grandeur of the architectural groups in ancient China, as well as the uniqueness of the ancient architectural methods.

  • Tell us what was the most challenging aspect of this assignment.

The most challenging part is to understand the differences in each style and technique, as well as the meaning behind each one.

  • Explain what you will you do in the future to create stronger images.

Try taking different photos and use and learn photography methods to create more thoughtful photos.




Hi Qiannan, I'm Pengyuan Tian, and I couldn't agree more with the aesthetics of this photo of yours. The staggering of the tiled roofs of traditional Chinese architecture makes the roof as the subject of the composition not cluttered, but ordered and arranged.



Hi Qiannan Liu. This is Aidan from class. I liked your photo because the roofs of ancient Chinese buildings offer a unique and attractive aesthetic. Your view shows how low to the ground the buildings are and that the skyline surrounding them is undisturbed. Good job!



Nice photo. I like how the horizon splits the photo nicely into two parts. Aesthetically pleasing.



Hello! I really like the contrast between the houses and the trees and other greenery in this neighborhood. I also like the traditional architecture style, but think it is interesting how organized and uniform it is. To improve this particular photo, I think that seeing the street from a different angle, perhaps from that main street itself, could be cool. Overall, I think that you did a good job at conveying the beauty of the area.


Dengkai Yan
Dengkai Yan

Hello. My name is Dengkai Yan. I believe it is a no-point perspective picture. However, I think you can do a better job of picking a good perspective. I think you can use head on or close up to show more intimate. Or you can take photo from high perspective which can give us more information about the symmetry and grandeur of the architectural groups in ancient China.

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